For more information: www.tspu.edu.ru/eng/
In the years of the II World War, 30 factories were evacuated to Tom Soon after the II World War Tomsk grew to be a famous center of nuclear research and production. In 1953 the Uranium Isotopes Division Factory of the Siberian Chemical Plant, situated close to the Region’s capital, first produced enriched uranium. In 1958 the first industrial nuclear station in Siberia started functioning at the Siberian Chemical Plant. A new town, Seversk, now having about 120 thousand people appeared. Since the beginning of the 1960s the Tomsk Region’s growth was largely determined by the development of oil and gas fields. The Strezhevoy Settlement was chosen as the basis for industrial oil mining development. In 1966 the Tomskneft’ oil field administration was formed. In the course of the following decades the Aleksandrovskoe-Anzhero-Sudzhensk pipeline, the Nizhnevartovsk-Parabel’-Kuzbass gas pipeline, and bridges over the Ob’ and the Tom’ were built.
More than 60 organizations are involved in research and development activities in the Tomsk Region. The Tomsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences unites five institutes and two research affiliates. The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is represented by 6 research institutes. 50 enterprises are engaged in innovative entrepreneurship.
The Tomsk Region is situated in the middle flow of the Ob’ River in the south-western part of the Western Siberian Plain and borders the Tyumen’, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Krasnojarsk Regions and the Altai Territory. The Region occupies an area of 314.4 thousand sq. km. The administrative center is the city of Tomsk located in the southern part of the Region on the bank of the Tom’ River - the right tributary of the Ob’.
The Tomsk Region’s landscape is a flat country. The Ob’
River crosses
The continental cyclical climate has considerable daily and yearly temperate amplitudes along with a longer winter period. The average annual temperature equals 0.6°C, the average temperature in July is +18.1°C, in January it is –19.2°C. The resource basis of the Tomsk region is mining, exporting, and refining of the hydrocarbon fuels, as well as chemical industry, machinery building, and non-ferrous metallurgy. During the recent years, the amount of high-tech industry and the contribution of the scientific and educational complex to the economy has increased, thus predetermining the strategy of the Region’s innovative development.
According to the May 1, 2000 report, the total population of the Tomsk Region was 1.068.000 prs. The number of economically active residents was 545.800. The unit weight of the Region in the Western Siberian Plain and in the Russian Federation is 13% and 2% correspondingly, the population number – 7% and 0.7%, and the population density, being on the whole 3.4 persons per 1 sq. km., is 1.8 and 2.5 times less.
More information about Tomsk:
Please, request by the e-mail siblang[at]tspu.edu.ru the visa request form, fill in and send back along with the scanned page of the passport with the photograph. Your invitation will be sent from Tomsk by mail. We will also send via e-mail the number of the telex which you can get in the embassy and the date when you can receive your invitation in the stated embassy or consulate. We encourage you to apply for the Russian visa at the earliest date possible, since it takes from four to five weeks to arrange the formal invitation letter, which is a requirement for the visa application. To avoid delays in securing travel documents required for entry into the Russian Federation, we recommend to send us your request for invitation letter at least two months before your planned visit.
Here and below, the approximate exchange rate for the Russian ruble is: $1 (US dollar) = 29 RUR; Eur1 (Euro) = 41 RUR. Please, consult <www.xe.com/ucc> or <www.micex.com/currency> for exact rates.
Flying (domestic) Moscow – Tomsk – Moscow from 9500 RUR (early booking) to 15000 RUR (late booking)
Trains (duration aprox. 58 hrs) www.eng.rzd.ru Moscow – Tomsk (trans-Siberian “Tomich” train) Tomsk – Moscow (trans-Siberian “Tomich” train)
Approximate one-way fares: 3900 RUR (general service car) 5500 RUR (compartment car)
These are the Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes, Internet and Copy Centers, as well as Taxi companies, which are located in the vicinity of Tomsk State Pedagogical University.
Hotel "Tomsk"
location: prospect Kirova, 65, phone (3822) 52-41-15 directions: Tomsk-1 train station square
Hotel "Sojuz"
location: prospect Komsomolskii, 70, phone 56-22-76 directions: Kirova Square
Hotel "Sibir"
location: prospect Lenina, 91, phone (3822) 52-72-25 directions: Glavpochtamt (Central Post Office)
Hotel "Sputnik"
location: Belinskogo street 15, phone 52-66-60
directions: i) "Trud" football stadium, Gertzena street crossing Belinskogo street; ii) "Gorsad" (city fair park), Gertzena street crossing Belinskogo street.
Internet & Copy Centers
For More Information Contact:
Internet: siblang.tspu.ru